Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Reading 怪人二十面相 - 003

26th day of 2016.

Busy busy day at work. I read some old novel The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown in the office even though I really should read up the Japanese one. lol. Though I had read The Lost Symbol before, it was years ago and I don't seemed to remember the story much. It scares me that my memory is deteriorating. :/

Anyway, to meet the quota for today, I picked up the Japanese book and read it for the remaining of the night.

List of Learnt Words
ボルネオ - ー - Borneo
わびる - 詫びる - 道歉
そうかい - 壮快 - 自信满满、兴致勃勃、雄心郝志
おこす - 起こす - 1. 立、扶 2. 唤醒 3. 引起 4. 翻 5. 发动 6. 重来
おこす - 興す - 1. 振兴 2. 旺盛 3. 兴办
がんとして - 頑として - 顽强、坚决
とうとう - 到頭 - 终于、到底
むだん - 無断 - 擅自、自作主张
たより - 便り - 音信、消息
サンダカン - ー - Sandakan
よこす - 寄越す - 寄来、送来
いちにんまえ - 一人前 - 1.单人份 2. 成年人 3.
いとなむ - 営む - 经营
きどる - 気取る - 装腔作势、装模作样
はやり/はやる - 流行/流行る - 1. 流行、时髦 2.蔓延 3.兴旺
ぶんめん - 文面 - 文字 
List of queries yet to be research
しものせき - 下関