Friday, March 31, 2017

Website Builder - Wix

90th day of 2017.

I had known about this particular website builder service for 3 ~ 4 years, rather interested with it, first with its catchy name and secondly at the back of my head, I had been meaning to look into it for my future website building.

As it turned out, my university finally stepped into the digital world and required us to prepare digital portfolio, one of the system they mention is Wix. I spent a few hours playing with Wix and very satisfied with the features and freedom it provide.

However, currently I am very frustrated with the lag, it will often come to a point where the whole page freeze. 

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Popup Art

89th day of 2017.

Pop up craft had always fascinated me, it is just so captivates attention when the thing sprung up with the turn of a page.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Reminisce - NaNo Illustrated 008

88th day of 2017.

One of the hide out hut for the witch where someone managed to intrude. I imagined it to be built not for luxurious or comfort, more rustic and could be built in earlier times when everything was still at its most simplistic state.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Reminisce - NaNo Illustrated 007

87th day of 2017.

I really need to work and practice on different angles. Especially on the failed attempt on looking from down up.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Gift 2017 for school

86th day of 2017.

 Complete doodle on using the gifts to draw the gifts. I was gifted a Muji small PVC pencil case, a 3 in 1 pen with mechanical pencil, Red, Cyan & Purple gel ink pen, a box of 2B Faber Castell 2mm lead and a Faber Castell clutch pencil.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Japanese Lessons - 016

85th day of 2017.

えんりょ - 遠慮 - 1. 远虑 2. 客气 3. 回避
ちょうだい - 頂戴 - 1. 领收 2. 吃 3. 请
きゃくま - 客間 - 客厅
つけもの - 漬物 - 腌菜
おそまつ - お粗末 - 1. 粗糙 2. 简
おてまいり - お手り - 费事
ぜbさい - 前菜 - 前菜
もりつげ - 盛りつげ - 配搭
しょくたく - 食卓 - 餐桌
おさら - お皿 - 碟
おはし - お箸 - 筷子
きらく - 気楽 - 1. 自然 2. 舒适

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017

Character Design - Male Hair 05

83rd day of 2017.

I think I still have a few more hairstyles from old ancient files, then I am officially oon board on customizing more new hairs.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Gifts for Study

81st day of 2017.

Many thanks to my senior who had been such a supportive person, especially the good wishes gifts she gave me.

Muji's gel pens are surprisingly very smooth albeit can feel the pointy nib scratch. Pilot's Frixion is smooth as well, very similar to Frixion Point and 0.38 thickness. 

However, I think I am not so well verse in Muji's 3 in 1 version mechanical pencil, I will have to continue using it and see. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Test - Colour Leads

80th day of 2017.

I tested out a cheapo colored leads 2mm size, and as expected from the price range, it somewhat erased like Col-erase and it is hard to put graphite on top of it. So I better treat those as plain colour pencils?

It comes in 3 colors, RGB, red, green and blue. Although judging on the dark saturation of the lead colour, it would be more difficult to isolate it out via photoshop. Best color to use as construction lines beneath black lines are CMY, cyan, magenta and yellow.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Supplies Shopping Before School

79th day of 2017.

To be honest, not much really because of School, more to feed my addiction. lol. 
And to buy more stuff for the book binding which I am expecting to do some more for school.


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Japanese Lessons - 015

78th day of 2017.

 しめる - 締める - 1. 合计 2. 封 3. 束
かわくつ - 皮靴 - 皮靴
うらじ - 裏地 - 衬布
かりぬい - 仮縫い - 假缝
ほんうい - 本縫い - 正缝
えり - 衿 - 领
そで - 袖 - 袖
しあがり - 仕上がり - 1. 完成 2. 结果
にあう - 似合う - 适合、合衬
ふだん - 不断 - 不断
ふだん - 普段 - 平常
つうきん - 通勤 - 工作
しきふく - 式服 - 礼服


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Character Design - Male Hair 04

77th day of 2017.

I dug in my archives of old unfinished stories to search out old hair style designs that I could use. Here are some of the male hair style.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Character Design - Female Hair 04

76th day of 2017.

Forcing out every single bit of juice left for hair style. Need to look around for more inspiration.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Reminisce - NaNo Illustrated 006

75th day of 2017.

More food and drinks. Coinage design is a bit more complicated than I anticipated. The overall shape is determined, just the detailing part. Edge design, patterns, engravings, symbols and so on.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Reminisce - NaNo Illustrated 005

74th day of 2017.

Some looking into food and drinks of Eterledge. Food, one of the essential element to sustain life. It is mainly western influence food. I have a deep interest in all kinds of alcohols. Can't wait to build up a whole collection of alcohol bottles and goblets.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Japanese Lessons - 014

73rd day of 2017.

やせる - 痩せる - 瘦
ねこぜ - 猫背 - 驼背
ひまんじ - 肥満児 - 肥胖儿
みじゅくじ - 未熟児 - 早产儿
めしい ・ めくら -  盲 - 瞎子
ろう - 聾 - 聋子
しんしょうしゃ - 身障者 - 残障
ざんぱいしゃ - 残廃者 - 残废
こがら - 小柄 - 小个头
りゅうこう - 流行 - 流行
はやる - 流行る - 流行
まちぎ - 町着 - 街服

Monday, March 13, 2017

Craft - Book Gift 05

72nd day of 2017.

It is my last day of work, and after a week break, I would be beginning my new journey back to study Master. Last day of work, busy packing and finally gifted the present to the senior.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Craft - Book Gift 04

71st day of 2017.

I like the idea of book pocket attached to the book covers. Book pocket is relatively easy to make. I cut some slits on 4 corners of the pocket to slid on some cards. That is one of the simplest way to add slots to put name cards if chose to be.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Craft - Book Gift 03

70th day of 2017.

I am very glad to see the stitching pattern turned out as planned. Because the papers are white and thread color is creamy, it is a subtle design to hide the initials. 
First time challenging such a customized pattern, it took me some hours. Time flies, it is rather engrossing and relaxing to stitch the book, I am so surprised when realizing how long I have spent on the stitch.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Craft - Book Gift 02

69th day of 2017.

Decided to go with whatever material I have in hand. I used craft paper to wrap up the recycled white card as a cover.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Reminisce - NaNo Illustrated 004

68th day of 2017.
One of the headquarters that the merchant character catered at Eterledge. Located in a common class zone, borderline poor and wrecked old terrace building.

Just a basic typical layout of a residential house, where lower floor are communal space and upper floors are bedrooms. It comes with an enclosed back yard and a open front yard.

hmm... need to figure out where to put stables for horses.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Reminisce - NaNo Illustrated 003

67th day of 2017.

Jumped to a scene where a bunch of not so important group of adventurers + merchant group appear. They are called the Myth Chasers... for now, until maybe I stumbled upon a better name or getting another name when they become more important in the future.

I think it is a good practice round to see how I cranked out hairstyle and clothing for unimportant characters.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Craft - Book Gift 01

66th day of 2017.

Planning to make a special gift to a senior for being such helpful person.
I currently is torn between two different designs. I am thinking about a all white book or the classic brown cover book that I had been doing. All white seemed rather unusual...

Monday, March 6, 2017

Charater Design - Male Hair 03

65th day of 2017.

Continue with the challenging male hair style collection.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Book Binding - Cover

64th day of 2017.

I made another coptic stitch book again with the same variety of paper and twist on the cover. I am thinking to attached the old jewellery pendant on this book too. 
Because I ran out of hardboard, I glued on tracing paper figuring a half transparent cover would be quite interesting.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Japanese Lessons - 013

63rd day of 2017.

たたみ - 畳 - 榻榻米
せいかつ - 生活 - 生活
きじ - 生地 - 1. 素质 2. 衣料
かせん - 化繊 - 化学纤维
きぬ - 絹 - 丝绸
めん - 綿 - 绵
け - 毛 - 毛
すんぽう - 寸法 - 1.尺寸 2.计划 3. 情况
みじかい - 短い - 短
ふとい - 太い - 肥胖
ほそい - 細い - 细瘦
しんちょう - 身長 - 身高

Friday, March 3, 2017

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Japanese Lessons - 012

61st day of 2017.

ちゅうじゅん - 中旬 - 中旬
じょうじゅん - 上旬 -  上旬
こなゆき - 粉雪 - 粉雪
おおゆき - 大雪 - 大雪
ふぶき - 吹雪 - 暴雪
なだれ - 雪崩 - 雪崩
あきばれ - 秋晴れ - 秋高气爽
あたたかい - 暖かい - 温暖
ようき - 陽気 - 1. 时令 2. 热闹
ようふく - 洋服 - 西服
いっぱん - 一般 - 一般
はく - 穿く - 穿(从脚下穿)
はく - 履く - 穿鞋)
きる - 着る - 穿衣

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Reminisce - NaNo Illustrated 002

60th day of 2017.

Farzeine was supposed to appear in the first illustration, more important character than the practice blond barmaid. However, he is done now... Upon re-reading the story, I am unable to channel the past me on how I imagine Farzeine to be last 3 years ago when I first write him down.

Since he is only a minor character, I am not so bother by the fact that I forget about his features or impression. Instead, I use whatever I written about him in the story and match with my least use features. It turned out... kinda odd.

And a particular scene somewhere in the beginning of the story. I like challenging complex poses.