Saturday, April 30, 2016

Instrument Basic 08 - Saxyness

121st day of 2016.

I am quite surprised to see that there are various type of Saxophone. In Musescore, there are 4 types, Soprano, Alto, Baritone and Tenor, and yes, I am still unable to remember what it means in relevant to their pitches.

Upon listening their sounds, they are pretty similar other than its pitch and another baffling characteristic of their keysignatures. I remember I didn't select any keysignatures for them while setting up but they appeared with keysignatures.

I just used my ear to determine which one is a C and do the same note range as usual. For a music half learner like me, it is pretty confusing. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Instrument Basic 07 - Breeze away~

120th day of 2016.

Continuing the musical therapeutic research...
 The odd number '8' begin to really prick my curiosity... just what it is...

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Design - Bottle

119th day of 2016.

I always had a thing for bottles. The bottles that always makes my heart ache are always the perfume bottles. The obsession came to such extent that I pleaded my family and friends to purchase certain perfume, because of the bottle. -__-;; Perfume are expensive.

The whole point now I needed it is... my character would need this collection of bottles to contain her medicine and poison. Another reason to indulge in the beautiful glass bottle. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wheistadeur Emblem - Wayinne Waves

118th day of 2016.

Taking a break from Ingwar, swimming with Wayinne Waves~ I have a deadline this Friday for my work and I had been working over time for weeks, despite being able to rest during weekends, I still feel daze off tiredness.

I need some art that is more zen to do. In comes the Wayinne Waves. In the midst of figuring what kind of waves to use... so I enlarge the patterns I had before for better viewing.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Wheistadeur Guardian - Ingwar again

117th day of 2016.

I wrecked the lower body of the Dragon yesterday, it had been bugging me ever since I posted it. Ha! The dissatisfaction happened a few minutes right after I posted it. So, I sketch a lot more mini one to decide how the Dragon should post.

Which one better... all 4 claws on badge or have a claw on the dais... hmm.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Wheistadeur Guardian - Ingwar

116th day of 2016.

I had been staring at the supposedly easiest to do Emblem of all(the 8 of them, that is), Ingwar. The concept of Ingwar is pretty straightforward and bold, and yet I had been evading it for quite some time.

The problem... no, the challenge is with the Guardian. I decided to have a Guardian for Ingwar emblem, which turns out to be, Dragon. I was never good in animals and Dragon... actually is on the same position of my favorite mythical creature with Phoenix.

I figured, it is impossible I take up the Phoenix challenge and not the Dragon, that is too bias. Anyhow~ I split Ingwar into parts and test on the Dragon first. I kind of impressed with myself.

That satisfaction would likely only last 3 days the most. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Artist vs Hair Stylist

115th day of 2016.

I had my haircut yesterday. Being a picky and lazy person I am, I am really tired of searching through magazine and mix and match different heads together to show what I like. This time I bring along my sketch and show the hair stylist how I want my new hair cut to be.

Left is the original sketch (re draw) and the right one is the final cut, which I am 'wearing' right now. I guess it works well, other than the hair stylist missed my tail of the fringe. I like to have the last few strands on the edge of my face to be longer.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Looking for Phone

114th day of 2016.

My phone was wonky since nearly 3 weeks ago, the iPhone 4S, inherited from my cousin a year ago decided to crash. Right now, it is unable to be charged. I have tried searching internet, but it seemed to required more skills than Google.

It seemed like the world of mobile phone is dominated by smartphones. I have my set of criterias:
1. small, compact
2. long battery life

Since then, I had been looking up for new phones to buy whilst using my aunt's back up phone. This prompt me to remember some high tech device I designed for my long forgotten story.  

Friday, April 22, 2016

Reading 怪人二十面相 - 012

113th day of 2016.

List of Learnt Words
かっきり - ー - 1. 恰好 2.明确的
みちた - 満ちた - 1.满足
とうとう - ー - 终于、到底
こころじょうぶ  - 心丈夫 - 放心、胆壮
ねずのばん - 寝ずの番 - 守夜
たちまち - 忽ち - 1.立刻、瞬间 2.突然
げんじゅう - 厳重 - 严厉
さしず -  - 指示、命令
おもてもん - 表門 - 正门、大门
あらゆる - あらゆる - 1.所有、一切 2.各种
からじょう - 和から錠 - 和式锁
てわけ - 手分け - 分工
かため - 固め - 1.坚固 2.防备 3.誓约
てはず  - 手はず - 1.程序、步骤 2.准备

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Instrument Basic 06 - Harp?

112th day of 2016.

Despite being home a bit more earlier today, compare to many days these few weeks. I was distracted and do other non-art productive things. Main reason being, I enjoy wasting those time reading up other stuff, and also, I am rather stuck with Harp. I don't know how to group it.

It is plucked just like Guitar and Bass family; the instrument sits on floor just like Piano and even Cello; it has wide octave range like piano but a much higher pitch. :/ 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Book Binding - Coptic

111th day of 2016.

Coptic Stitch is the binding method that makes me realize that book binding is indeed a craft.I was searching for non-glue binding method and stumbled across this rather famous and common binding method. 

This is one creative binding method that could has many opportunities to customized the book. That also means it requires more skills and effort. Challenging!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Skin Tone 02

110th day of 2016.

After messing around with the skin colour yesterday, I decided to do a gradient sheet. Only to realize that, this would be the first time I feel the challenges the Water Brush poses. My objective is to create a pure transition from Yellow to Red or vive versa, all about colour transition.

But Water Brush, which carries water in the pen holder barrel was a challenge to control. I was expecting having one end a pure Red to another end which is pure Yellow. No matter from which color I started, they ended up in the other color in a much diluted version.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Skin Tone 01

109th day of 2016.

As I was surfing casually yesterday, I stumbled upon 'skin colour'. So far I had never used watercolor or any other traditional medium to mix a skin colour. That was one of the main reason why I was doing more on Digital medium, I just color pick it.

I am bias and only interested in fair skin, as it seemed to be the hardest to mix as well. Theoretically, most skin tones are warm. Yellow, Orange, Red, Pink, Peach, Beige, well, even dark skin, their hue are more on the warm side.

I know how to mix skin tone by using white, but watercolor preferably not to use white. Upon searching on how to mix skin tones, I had tried diluting the color with water and it seemed to work well. It was so simple to the point I am ashamed for getting it slow.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Instrument Basic 05 - Strung

108th day of 2016.

Bass Guitar appears with Guitars as well as the Bass group. Just by looking at their Clef, I am able to see the main difference of Bass and Guitar. But now I am confused between Classic Guitar vs Bass Guitar, Acoustic Guitar vs Acoustic Bass and Electric Guitar vs Electric Bass. The timber of the tone sounds very similar. Or, the difference is really just about the tonal range.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Instrument Basic 04 - Pluck

107th day of 2016.

The Wood Wind, Brass and Pluck instrument family are huge! It will certainly take me time to understand them all. So, I decided to do it in parts for being a slow learner.
 I am pretty amazed at the different types of guitars. So glad I was able to listen the difference, but haven't really tie them to their names yet. Next up would be the identical instruement of Guitars, the Bass.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Reading 怪人二十面相 - 011

106th day of 2016.

I left my sketchbook in my office... I was planning to continue the book binding research. So, I move on to another project.

List of Learnt Words
あんよ - 幼児 - 1. 迈步 2.脚
ひっかきまわう - 引っ掻き回す - 弄乱 
インキ - ー - Ink
つぼ - 壺 - 罐、坛、壶、瓮、缸
ひっくりかえす - 引っ繰り返す - 1.弄倒 2.翻过来
なする - 擦る - 涂、擦

うかべる - 浮かべる - 1.浮 2. 泛 3.出现 3. 想起

バイオリン - ー - Violin
ぷっつり - ー - 1.噗嚇 2.突然
せきじょう - 席上 - 1.座位 2.场合 3.会上
のろう - 呪う - 诅咒

しかめ - 顰め - 皱眉
むっつり - ー - 1.沉默 2.沉着脸、绷着;脸
だまりこむ - 黙り込む - 缄默

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Book Binding - Stab

105th day of 2016.

If there are a stack of loose papers, the easiest way to bind them is to staple them, as what is done in office. The more 'crafty' way of doing it would be thread sewn. This particular side binding is very versatile in terms of the binding methods and materials.
 Most notably, I often seen this binding in ancient Asian books. It creates nice texture but unable to open flat, not to mention having the gutter space.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Book Binding - Saddle

104th day of 2016.

Folding in more than one sheet of larger paper in a stack is called "Signature". Often seen in school exercise books. The question is, how to 'bind' them together.

Saddle stitch is one of the easiest way to bind Signature. Either use good old staple or the more 'crafty' thread. There are quite a few stitches variety and more creativity could be explored using thread.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Book Binding - Perfect

103rd day of 2016.

I don't really get why this particular binding method is called 'Perfect'. I have a thing for the word 'Perfect', as I would naturally have very high expectation of those things and most often to be disappointed. 

It is just stack pages or signatures, align, glue and dry. I don't really like this 'Perfect' binding much as it is unable to open flatly. However, I discovered that this particular binding could also make the tear off note pads. That is what I am aftering.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Book Binding - Accordion

102nd day of 2016.

Ever since I stumbled across a fantastic 'sketchbook' in 'Japanesque' style, the Accordion Style, I had the urge to bind one myself. For that, I had already purchased a A1 size paper which I could cut whatever custom shape I want.

In terms of making it, it is fairly simple. Just fold and glue on cover. Now I would need to find the cover...

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Annanix 06 - Sketch 02

101st day of 2016.

I continued on for the Fledgeling stage practice sketch. Again, the perfectionist within me was unsatisfied with how it turns out. Experience gained, anyway.
Now having a comparison, I liked the view angle of Fledgeling more than the Chick. Straight on side perspective, or in another word, Elevation. Need to work on more on the tail, the body shape is a bit off too.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Annanix 05 - Sketch 01

100th day of 2016. A milestone.

I originally planned to do the Annanix project Egg on Krita, but there was a change of plans and I had to go back to hometown without my access to big screen. So, I resort to sketch out the Chick stage on paper.

I liked how the Chick turns out, quite adorable. I am still contemplating how to color the feathers, red tip or yellow tip. hmm...

Friday, April 8, 2016

Reading 怪人二十面相 - 010

99th day of 2016. Last day of 2 digits.

List of Learnt Words
かわす - 交わす - 交换
はさまる - 挟まる - 夹(在中间)
じっと - ー - 静静的,不动的
あいだ - 間 - 1. 之间 2. 间隙
こみあげる - 込上げる - 1. 涌现 2. 往上冲 3. 作呕
いちどう - 一同 - 全体、大家

こころくし - 心尽くし - 竭尽
ようい - 用意 - 准备
テーブルクロス - ー - Table Cloth
おお - 覆う - 覆盖
めいめい - 銘銘 - 各自、个个
ナイフ - ー - Knife

フォーク - ー - Fork

ナプキン - ー - Napkin
むろん - 無論 - 当然

かたらう - 語らう - 1. 谈话、谈心 2. 契约、誓约 3. 邀请
さかん - 盛ん - 茂盛

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Font Finder from Raster

98th day of 2016.

At work today, well, actually yesterday, I was delegated a task to find some fonts. Because it is a logo of another company, we only have the raster image file. Due to some reasons, we would love to find the font type of the brand name. If unable to find the font type, we would have to tediously trace the font line by line.

At first, being able to identify the font type family, I browse through the free font download websites. After going through more than twenty pages, I feel that is rather inefficient. Staring at the noisy raster image, I was thinking... "If only there is a programme that can idendify font from raster image..."

This sparks an inspiration in my head, and I insert "find font with image" in Google. Had been typing too much ahead already, the rest is history.

What The Font - My Fonts
What Font Is

I am glad to be able to explore this particularly fresh angle of looking at things. Very eye opening. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Krita 04 - Vector

97th day of 2016.

Talking about line inking in digital media, the best one I had tried was Paint Tool SAI. Krita does have the same tool albeit in another 'package' since Krita is a Paint programme compare to Image Editing programme.
The tools' name for lining/inking in Krita is called Calligraphy, which used a Vector Layer. There are 2 different layer types in Krita, Paint layer which is Raster and Vector layer which reads Paths.

+ Each stroke is a separate selection.
+ However, you can have multiple strokes in one Vector layer.
+ Adjustable width, rounding.
+ Easier to apply gradient and pattern effect.
+ Editable path points.

- Have to delete the stroke one by one or select one by one. Though you can select multiple by click and drag the area.
- Unable to micromanage each pressure of path points. (Like in SAI, for the OCD person like me.)
- Seems to have just one nib type. 

It bugs me that being able to present with so MANY Brush engines, yet the Calligraphy only has one nib type. I am very likely missing out something there, will have to read the Krita manual.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Krita 03 - Mirror

96th day of 2016.

Another awesome feature from Krita. M.I.R.R.O.R.
It has two buttons each for Horizontal and another for Vertical. The position of the mirror line is adjustable, not necessary at the middle. I love flexible settings.

This opens up quite a lot of convenient uses. Especially if the focus of your art style that resemblance art nouveau or renaissance or any other style that has intricate details. Definitely would save up quite a lot of time and ensure nice symmetry.

Now I have to search whether it only allows just one line for each axis...
*being greedy*

Monday, April 4, 2016

Reading 怪人二十面相 - 009

95th day of 2016.

List of Learnt Words
きちょう - 帰朝 - 回国
でむかえ - 出迎え - 去迎接
たがわず - 違わず - 1. 不符合 2.违背
じつ - 実 - 1.的确、确实 2. 竟 3. 仅仅
さっそうたる - 颯爽たる - 气宇轩昂
こげ - 焦げ - 焦、烤、烧
うす - 薄 - 1. 薄 2. 淡 3. 微
ダブルボタン - ー - Double Button
せびろ - 背広 - 西服
きちん - キチン - 整洁
きこなし - 着こなし - 穿法
おりめただしい - 折り目正しい - 1. 端正、褶痕笔挺 2. 循规蹈矩
ズボン - ー - 西裤
ソフト - ー - Soft
ちがわない - 違わない - 不同
こい - 濃い - 1. 浓 2. 烈
いちもんじ - 一文字 - 笔直
まゆ - 眉 - 眉

そろう - 揃う - 1. 齐全 2. 一致

かりこんだ - 刈り込んだ - 修剪
くちひげ - 口髭 - 髭

りっぱ - 立派 - 美观、壮丽、宏伟

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Reading 怪人二十面相 - 008

94th day of 2016.

Oh wow, had not been touching the book for the whole March. O__O Going by this rate, I am a bit worried that I can't finish the book this year. 

List of Learnt Words
はたして - 果たして - 果然、果真
うたがわしい - 疑わしい - 1. 可疑 2. 靠不住
むしょう - 無償 - 无偿
いつにない - 何時に無い - 不似平常
えっちらおっちら - エッチラオッチラ - 费劲
ゆかい - 愉快 - 愉快、畅快
きだい - 希代 - 稀世
はこぶ - 運ぶ - 1. 运送、搬运 2. 进展
のこぎり - 鋸 - 锯
ぐっと - ー - 1. 一口气 2. 更加 3. 怔住
ひろい - 拾い - 1. 拾 2.挑 3.意外获得
すえつけ - 据付 - 1. 设置、安装 2. 牢固
かれくさ - 枯れ草 - 枯草
ぐあい - 具合 - 情况、状况
たちまち - 忽ち - 1. 立刻、马上 2. 忽然
くび - 足首 - 脚踝
はさまる - 挟ま - 
さぞ - さぞ - 想必、一定
のちに - 後に - 1. 将来 2. 后