Friday, April 1, 2016

Krita 01 - Brush Palette

92nd day of 2016.

Krita exploration crossed my mind earlier but scrapped off thinking that I can mix it with my Annanix project. But when I tried out Krita, I am pleasantly surprised that it is a bigger learning curve than I anticipated.
The first thing I check out other than the short cuts, is the Brushes. At first glance, I thought that it is a familiar layout with Adobe Photoshop with the standard list of different art media ,default presets and the ultimate customization properties adjustments. Whilst I am getting familiar with the Brush Palette, I am stumped to finally discovered that the small white area is not the white background of my canvas. XD It is a swatch area to test out the tools.

That is a very practical addition, I could already imagine that is how many artists have scrap paper by their side to test out their colors and technique before applying it on the art. Even though it is just one feature, but it already shows that the whole design of the programme is very user friendly, very close to how traditional art method works.