Saturday, April 2, 2016

Krita 02 - Brush

93rd day of 2016.

There are a few Brushes that are quite unique in Krita. Although I am well aware that some of them could be easily replicate using other tools in the Adobe programme, but Krita made those easier. Not to mention the other Brushes that are real unique.

Tangent Normal
According to the Krita Manual, its main objective is to create 3D and lighting effects. How I wound up with the multi color line is still a mystery, that comes as a very surprising effect too. Sometimes it is not about what it was 'meant' to do, but what it could do.

That is exactly what you would get when you use Lasso tool and Fill in Adobe Photoshop. Or Free form tool with fill also in Adobe Photoshop. Krita just has a couple more properties to adjust that is different.

This is also a rather basic tool you could replicate in Adobe Photoshop (Patterns) and Manga Studio (their whole Screen Tone Library). 

Bringing me back to my Math Class using graph paper. It is quite similar with Hatching but conform to its own brush shape. Unlike other paint brushes where edges cut off half the dot and always end up very tidy, just like its name suggests, Grid.

The first time I tried it, I thought my tablet was broken. lol. This is a very wild brush having properties that controls how 'faraway' you prefer your brush to stray away from your intended direction. The thick 'Dyna' is what I was tracing after using the default setting. Surprisingly, the lines really went all hay wire and make quite smooth scribble, better than my own signature. lol.

I have no idea why is that brush name Particle, but it is my favourite of them all. It is like the best and easiest way to produce smoke and wispy effect! I could already see myself filling up the Annanix with Particles.