5th day of 2016.
I was expecting a smoother day today at work. Unfortunately, I was assigned to go to a meeting outstation tomorrow, it really mess up my plan and mood. Later the day, I was suddenly assigned another task to finish, preferably by tomorrow. -__-;;
I vent it a bit, gather my thoughts on what I planned to Artherapy about. I stumbled upon a freeware Musescore 2 years ago, it is a music scoring programme. The best part is, it has quite a comprehensive collection of musical instruments, more geared to western orchestra type and provide playback of the music notes.
I had played with it and attempted one simple ten seconds tune, and come to a conclusion that I better understand more about the musical family for my next attempt. Therefore, I am studying up the various instrument available in Musescore, categorizing it according to material? clef? octave? pitch? Really not sure, it is still an ongoing process.