What a last minute rush awful overtime. I am responsible for the careless overlook on certain detail. Anyway, out from the reality, back to the artherapy.
Luxror - The most 'Wealthy' place. By means of wealthy, it is more in the context of money and precious items that is not a necessity. Dangerously, this country could not survived itself without their neighbours' exchange of food and clothes. To counter such limited resources, Luxror survived by using their brains and trade around. Very smart and calculative to earn profit.
Delvieve - The most 'Hot' place. It is majority desert and have their own unique way of living. Amongst one of their unique skills develop from that kind of living is their weaving skill. They invented or innovated a lot of different type of fabrics suitable for various different weather. Clothing and shelter which are their closest comfort necessity became their unique trademarks.
Oh well, I will color it later.