52nd day of 2016. 14th day of Chinese New Year.
The difference between Emblem, Seal and Flag. I defined Emblem as the whole design. The Seal as in an actual item where the emblem is embedded that is use for official recognition. The Flag as a huuuuge canvas for the purpose of marking something where a person could see far away.
Misphissity - The most 'Natural' place. A country that stay true to nature. They extract many of their life philosophy from nature. They do have civilisation, but their emblems would not be as grand as engraving in gold. It could be as exotic as woven in canes.
Eterledge - The most 'Open' place. A relatively younger country compare to many other countries. I have not yet really decided on what the land was, it could be barren virgin land not claimed or it has multiple small countries merge into 1. The idea is that, Eterledge is a country of innovative new ideas that support knowledge and just about many modern philosophy. So their representing items would be books and scrolls.