Oh, I am very satisfied with what I can 'sneak' out during my working hours. lol. I am one step forward to complete my emblem designs. <33
As of my post from Wheistadeur - Emblem 3
"Luxror - The most 'Wealthy' place. By means of wealthy, it is more in the context of money and precious items that is not a necessity. Dangerously, this country could not survived itself without their neighbours' exchange of food and clothes. To counter such limited resources, Luxror survived by using their brains and trade around. Very smart and calculative to earn profit."
The colour code for Luxror is Gold, Silver with a splash of black, which are reflected in the flag. Generally I am happy with the shape of badge, but is thinking to change the silhouette of the flowy gold banner. The crown on top need more definition too. Other than that, all individual items are quite satisfactory.
Now I need to figure out the code to insert in the abacus. (Ya, I spelt that wrong. *head smack*)