Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wheistadeur - Imperial Infinem 01

223rd day of 2016.

Compiling all I have research to build this Infinem Palace for my NaNo project. My story's next arc would take place there and I would love to get a proper layout before November hits.
After deciding the spaces to include in this palace, I zone them into different categories. Depending on their functions, relationships to each spaces and the requirement of each spaces. It took me quite a while to get it done.
Contrary to work from a bigger site to small, other than I have the idea the palace to be situated higher than the city surrounding it, the environment has no details whatsoever. This time, I build up from a building and see what it needs. My starting point is the palace shape at the centre, and how long that shape took me to finalized.

After zoning them out, now I can start my OCD designing portion by portion.