I attended a full day conference and during the non my interest topic, I sketch my DIY for watercolor box.
Tools and Materials
1. Name card holder - Daiso
2. Metal pans - which I just clear out the make up the day before. [recycle]
3. PVC sheet - yet to cut and glue into palette.
4. Sakura Koi water brush - the most compact waterbrush
5. Mini perfume atomizer - Daiso
6. Sponges or kitchen towels
7. Eyedropper
8. Mini mechanical pencil
9. Magnet to place the metal pans in place and yet flexible
I have yet to get a magnet sheet that is thin enough to my satisfaction. The Magnetic tape I bought is 1mm thick, I wish to find as thin as possible. Besides, the magnetic tape is very! weak. The super strong metalic magnet I have is toooooo strong and even thicker since it is a proper magnet.
I checked my old receipt few months ago, I supposedly paid for a magnetic sheet but then I can't find it. Either I lose it or misplaced it or the cashier didn't put it in! T__T Anyway, I will get it the next time and do up the palette.