Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Derwent Graphitone

159th day of 2016.

I am very intrigue to see the innovation lately in art world. Especially the water soluble thing. From Colour Pencil, come to Graphite and there is even water soluble oil paint! I picked up Derwent Graphitone which is water soluble and tried out.
I tested it on a 300gsm yellowed no brand watercolor paper. First I tested how it layered, then I use a brush to water-fy the graphite also in different layers. Then I pick up graphite straight from the pencil with a wet brush and give a vertical stroke. Lastly, dipping the pencil tip in water for a few seconds and drew a big black dot.

Arranging in shades, dip pencil is the darkest, followed by brush straight on pencil, wet graphite on paper and lastly dry on dry. When using the darkest 2 method, the pencil reminds me a lot of Chinese Ink stick, which are also known as India Ink? Those inks are very very dark.

Actually, I could not differentiate the darkest shades between 2B and 8B. I think it is quite possible to achieve various grey shades with just one grade.