181st day of 2016.
Last day of June. Starting tomorrow, it would be Saturday and also first day of my looooooong leave. I have decided to join the July NaNo camp. So, using this last day to dive into emblem design again.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Reading 怪人二十面相 - 016
181st day of 2016.
だまりこくって - 黙りこくって - 无言
さも - ー - 非常、很
いまいましい - ー - 可恨、可恶
つぶやく - 呟く - 嘟哝、唧咕、唠叨
いっこう - 一向 - 1. 完全、一点儿 2. 一向
たり - ー - 1. 有时……有时 2. 又……又 3. 类似的
うすわらい - 薄笑い - 冷笑
かげ - 影 - 1. 影子
かげ - 陰 - 1. 阴暗 2. 背地里
さえ - ー - 1. 甚至 2. 除了 3. 只要
とじまり - 戸締り - 锁门
あな - 穴 - 1. 孔 2. 洞 3. 矿井 4. 缺点 5. 亏空
はっきり - ー - 1. 清楚明确 2.爽快
てなみ - 手並み - 本事、能耐
とえはたえ - 十重二十重 - 层层
もののみごと - 物の見事 - 完美
うろたえる - うろたえる - 惊慌失措
ゆかい - 愉快 - 愉快
たいする - 対する - 1. 面对 2. 对待 3. 关于 4. 对抗
あっけ - 呆気 - 呆愣
えたい - 得体 - 真面目
にらみつけ - 睨み付ける - 怒瞪
さだめる - 定める - 1. 规定 2. 镇定 3. 奠定
ねらい - 狙い - 1. 瞄准 2. 目标
おさっし - お察し - 推测
とおり - 通り - 1.种类 2. 组套 3. 马路 4. 通行 5. 了解
たねあかし - 種明かし - 揭穿内幕
おちつきはらう - 落ち着き払う - 冷静从容
どうくん - 同くん - 该人
ほお - 頬 - 脸颊
おきのどく - お気の毒 - 1. 可怜 2.过意不去
いまだに - 未だに - 仍然
おもいもよばない - 思いもよばない - 想象不到
だまりこくって - 黙りこくって - 无言
さも - ー - 非常、很
いまいましい - ー - 可恨、可恶
つぶやく - 呟く - 嘟哝、唧咕、唠叨
いっこう - 一向 - 1. 完全、一点儿 2. 一向
たり - ー - 1. 有时……有时 2. 又……又 3. 类似的
うすわらい - 薄笑い - 冷笑
かげ - 影 - 1. 影子
かげ - 陰 - 1. 阴暗 2. 背地里
さえ - ー - 1. 甚至 2. 除了 3. 只要
とじまり - 戸締り - 锁门
あな - 穴 - 1. 孔 2. 洞 3. 矿井 4. 缺点 5. 亏空
はっきり - ー - 1. 清楚明确 2.爽快
てなみ - 手並み - 本事、能耐
とえはたえ - 十重二十重 - 层层
もののみごと - 物の見事 - 完美
うろたえる - うろたえる - 惊慌失措
ゆかい - 愉快 - 愉快
たいする - 対する - 1. 面对 2. 对待 3. 关于 4. 对抗
あっけ - 呆気 - 呆愣
えたい - 得体 - 真面目
にらみつけ - 睨み付ける - 怒瞪
さだめる - 定める - 1. 规定 2. 镇定 3. 奠定
ねらい - 狙い - 1. 瞄准 2. 目标
おさっし - お察し - 推测
とおり - 通り - 1.种类 2. 组套 3. 马路 4. 通行 5. 了解
たねあかし - 種明かし - 揭穿内幕
おちつきはらう - 落ち着き払う - 冷静从容
どうくん - 同くん - 该人
ほお - 頬 - 脸颊
おきのどく - お気の毒 - 1. 可怜 2.过意不去
いまだに - 未だに - 仍然
おもいもよばない - 思いもよばない - 想象不到
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Music - March 11
180th day of 2016.
I have made another attempt of the Bridge. I have the Melody down and half of the Bass...
Can't wait to finish it!
I have made another attempt of the Bridge. I have the Melody down and half of the Bass...
Can't wait to finish it!
Monday, June 27, 2016
Reading 怪人二十面相 - 015
179th day of 2016.
I am so glad to finish one chapter. DX
ごうたん - 豪胆 - 勇敢
あおざめる - 青ざめる - 脸色苍白
ひたい - 額 - 额头
うっすり - ー - 隐约
にじみでる - 滲み出る - 1. 渗出来 2. 流露
ひざ - 膝 - 膝盖
にぎりこぶし - 握りこぶし - 拳头
かためる - 固める - 1. 凝固 2. 堆积 3. 坚定 4. 加强防守
くいしばる - 食いしばる - 1. 咬紧 2. 忍耐
いきづかい - 息づかい - 呼吸节奏
きざむ - 刻む - 1. 切细 2. 雕刻 3.牢记 4. 刻画时间
じゅうたん - 絨毯 - 地毯
うつり - 映り - 1. 映、照 2. 彩色配合
はつかねずみ - はつかねずみ - 小老鼠
ずみ - 済み - 1. 已经 2. 完了
たずねる -尋ねる - 1. 寻 2. 问
かいすう - 回数 - 次数
ひんぱん - 頻繁 - 频繁、屡次
じりじり - ー - 1. 逐步 2. 急躁 3. 火辣辣 4. 吱吱作响
せまる - 迫る - 1. 强迫 2. 狭窄 3. 陷入困境
みみをすます - 耳を澄ます - 聆听
はかい - 破壊 - 破坏
される - される - 1. 搞 2. 被
まっさお - 真っ蒼 - 1. 蔚蓝 2. 铁青、刷白
おさえ - 押さえ - 1. 按 2. 压 3. 镇守
すぎさって - 過ぎ去って - 过去
うめく - 呻く - 呻吟
あてにならない - 当てにならない - 不指望、
かちほこった - 勝ち誇った - 得意、自满
はたして - 果たして - 1. 果然 2. 究竟
おもわず - 思わず - 不由自主、情不自禁、不知不觉
にらみ - 睨み - 1. 盯视 2. 威力
ほとばしる - 迸る - 喷、溅
ゆいしょふかい - 由緒深い - 历史悠久
じょうはつ - 蒸発 - 蒸发
I am so glad to finish one chapter. DX
ごうたん - 豪胆 - 勇敢
あおざめる - 青ざめる - 脸色苍白
ひたい - 額 - 额头
うっすり - ー - 隐约
にじみでる - 滲み出る - 1. 渗出来 2. 流露
ひざ - 膝 - 膝盖
にぎりこぶし - 握りこぶし - 拳头
かためる - 固める - 1. 凝固 2. 堆积 3. 坚定 4. 加强防守
くいしばる - 食いしばる - 1. 咬紧 2. 忍耐
いきづかい - 息づかい - 呼吸节奏
きざむ - 刻む - 1. 切细 2. 雕刻 3.牢记 4. 刻画时间
じゅうたん - 絨毯 - 地毯
うつり - 映り - 1. 映、照 2. 彩色配合
はつかねずみ - はつかねずみ - 小老鼠
ずみ - 済み - 1. 已经 2. 完了
たずねる -尋ねる - 1. 寻 2. 问
かいすう - 回数 - 次数
ひんぱん - 頻繁 - 频繁、屡次
じりじり - ー - 1. 逐步 2. 急躁 3. 火辣辣 4. 吱吱作响
せまる - 迫る - 1. 强迫 2. 狭窄 3. 陷入困境
みみをすます - 耳を澄ます - 聆听
はかい - 破壊 - 破坏
される - される - 1. 搞 2. 被
まっさお - 真っ蒼 - 1. 蔚蓝 2. 铁青、刷白
おさえ - 押さえ - 1. 按 2. 压 3. 镇守
すぎさって - 過ぎ去って - 过去
うめく - 呻く - 呻吟
あてにならない - 当てにならない - 不指望、
かちほこった - 勝ち誇った - 得意、自满
はたして - 果たして - 1. 果然 2. 究竟
おもわず - 思わず - 不由自主、情不自禁、不知不觉
にらみ - 睨み - 1. 盯视 2. 威力
ほとばしる - 迸る - 喷、溅
ゆいしょふかい - 由緒深い - 历史悠久
じょうはつ - 蒸発 - 蒸发
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Reading 怪人二十面相 - 014
178th day of 2016.
Spending the whole day shopping, left with around 2 hours to artherapy myself.
やすやす - ー - 极其容易、轻轻松松
とげる - 遂げる - 完成、达到
ぽっかり - ー - 1. 漂浮 2. 突然打开
くっきょう - 屈強 - 1. 顽强、倔强 2. 身强力壮
ぐっすり - ー - 酣睡、熟睡
さんび - 賛美 - 赞美、歌颂
あきれる - 呆れる - 1. 惊愣、吓呆 2. 恼火
ながめ - 眺め - 眺望
じょじょに - 徐々に - 徐徐
ふる - 降る - 下(雨)
ふく - 吹く - 1. 刮(风) 2. 冒(汗)
かいがぶる - 買い被る - 1. 高估 2. 过分相信
ながら - ー - 同时、一边……一边……
すみ - 隅 - 角落
かかえる - 抱える - 抱、搂
くらむ - 眩む - 眩目
くらむ - 暗む - 天黑
ひらめき - 閃き - 1. 闪烁 2. 想起
だいず - 大豆 - 大豆
ビロード - ー - 丝绒 Portugese : Veludo
はげし - 激しい - 1. 激烈 2. 冲动
なく - 鳴く - 鸣叫
Spending the whole day shopping, left with around 2 hours to artherapy myself.
やすやす - ー - 极其容易、轻轻松松
とげる - 遂げる - 完成、达到
ぽっかり - ー - 1. 漂浮 2. 突然打开
くっきょう - 屈強 - 1. 顽强、倔强 2. 身强力壮
ぐっすり - ー - 酣睡、熟睡
さんび - 賛美 - 赞美、歌颂
あきれる - 呆れる - 1. 惊愣、吓呆 2. 恼火
ながめ - 眺め - 眺望
じょじょに - 徐々に - 徐徐
ふる - 降る - 下(雨)
ふく - 吹く - 1. 刮(风) 2. 冒(汗)
かいがぶる - 買い被る - 1. 高估 2. 过分相信
ながら - ー - 同时、一边……一边……
すみ - 隅 - 角落
かかえる - 抱える - 抱、搂
くらむ - 眩む - 眩目
くらむ - 暗む - 天黑
ひらめき - 閃き - 1. 闪烁 2. 想起
だいず - 大豆 - 大豆
ビロード - ー - 丝绒 Portugese : Veludo
はげし - 激しい - 1. 激烈 2. 冲动
なく - 鳴く - 鸣叫
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Reading 怪人二十面相 - 013
177th day of 2016.
I have seriously neglected my Japanese venture. :/ Now is already mid of year and yet I haven't even been through the quarter of the book. I actually was hopeful to complete the book by this year.
ひきこもる - 引き篭もる - 躲、闭居
おおぜい - 大勢 - 人多势众
おてつだいさん - お手伝いさん - 奴仆
ぼそぼそ - ー - 叽叽咕咕
ささやき - 囁き - 低声细语
ろうじょう - 籠城 - 1. 固守城池 2. 困
てつや - 徹夜 - 熬夜、通宵
かくご - 覚悟 - 决心、觉悟
かけがね - 掛け金 - 搭扣式钩
こし - 腰 - 腰
おろす - 下ろす - 拿下、放下、降下、搁下
おおげさ - ー - 夸张
とじこみ - 綴じ込み - 合订
すっかり - ー - 1. 全部、完全 2. 已经
さま - ー - 1. 情况 2.样子、
げんじゅう - 厳重 - 严格
おくびょう - 臆病 - 胆怯
けれど - ー - 但是、然而
へい - 塀 - 围墙
のりこえ - 乗り越え - 跨过、渡过
かすめる - 掠める - 偷盗、掠夺
うちやぶる - 打ち破る - 1. 破坏、攻破 2. 打败
おしまい - お終い - 1. 结束、完结 2. 绝望 3. 化妆、打扮
ダイヤル - ー - Dial
かんもん - 関門 - 关口、难关
くぐりぬける - 潜り抜ける - 1. 钻过、穿过 2. 渡过
くうきよ - 空虚 - 空虚
まじる - 混じる・交じる・雑じる - 1. 混、杂 2. 交际
I have seriously neglected my Japanese venture. :/ Now is already mid of year and yet I haven't even been through the quarter of the book. I actually was hopeful to complete the book by this year.
ひきこもる - 引き篭もる - 躲、闭居
おおぜい - 大勢 - 人多势众
おてつだいさん - お手伝いさん - 奴仆
ぼそぼそ - ー - 叽叽咕咕
ささやき - 囁き - 低声细语
ろうじょう - 籠城 - 1. 固守城池 2. 困
てつや - 徹夜 - 熬夜、通宵
かくご - 覚悟 - 决心、觉悟
かけがね - 掛け金 - 搭扣式钩
こし - 腰 - 腰
おろす - 下ろす - 拿下、放下、降下、搁下
おおげさ - ー - 夸张
とじこみ - 綴じ込み - 合订
すっかり - ー - 1. 全部、完全 2. 已经
さま - ー - 1. 情况 2.样子、
げんじゅう - 厳重 - 严格
おくびょう - 臆病 - 胆怯
けれど - ー - 但是、然而
へい - 塀 - 围墙
のりこえ - 乗り越え - 跨过、渡过
かすめる - 掠める - 偷盗、掠夺
うちやぶる - 打ち破る - 1. 破坏、攻破 2. 打败
おしまい - お終い - 1. 结束、完结 2. 绝望 3. 化妆、打扮
ダイヤル - ー - Dial
かんもん - 関門 - 关口、难关
くぐりぬける - 潜り抜ける - 1. 钻过、穿过 2. 渡过
くうきよ - 空虚 - 空虚
まじる - 混じる・交じる・雑じる - 1. 混、杂 2. 交际
Friday, June 24, 2016
Witch Tower 04 - Planning

Being a Bookworm, Library is my sanctuary. The double volume loft space Library is still captivating my interest. This whole Witch Tower is made out of double volume space. XD Overuse.
I am considering whether or not to use spiral staircase. But a curving L or U staircase seemed to deter the epic wide angle of the double volume height windows. :/
It is also a challenge to balance the atmosphere of a FULLY stock library and the spacious double volume space.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Music - March 10
175th day of 2016.
My attention was divided between both the Music and my Witch Tower design. I did a bit of each and the Music prevailed. I have completed the Melody and Bass for Verse and Chorus. Just Bridge and Harmony left. :/
It took me a few tries, the thing I accomplished is just touching up the Chorus Bass and making it longer. Nothing too big, but consider something done since I am too ambitious today to do both things. Witch Tower also have some break through, finally settle on the levels.
My attention was divided between both the Music and my Witch Tower design. I did a bit of each and the Music prevailed. I have completed the Melody and Bass for Verse and Chorus. Just Bridge and Harmony left. :/
It took me a few tries, the thing I accomplished is just touching up the Chorus Bass and making it longer. Nothing too big, but consider something done since I am too ambitious today to do both things. Witch Tower also have some break through, finally settle on the levels.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Music - March 09
174th day of 2016.
Finally in a few hours, I have completed the Bass for what Verse and Chorus I have right now. I have exported it and it now charted to 1 minute 43 seconds. Quite good in terms of length to my target.
Oh and thankfully I finally was able to find the 'Broken Chord' function. Technically it is called the Arpeggio, lol. XD That was like the fifth time I tried to find the correct term via Google, and finally got it now.
Finally in a few hours, I have completed the Bass for what Verse and Chorus I have right now. I have exported it and it now charted to 1 minute 43 seconds. Quite good in terms of length to my target.
Oh and thankfully I finally was able to find the 'Broken Chord' function. Technically it is called the Arpeggio, lol. XD That was like the fifth time I tried to find the correct term via Google, and finally got it now.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Wheistadeur - Vexillology 02
173rd day of 2016.
Finally completed a submission yesterday, allowing me more time and energy to tinker about my hobby... during work hours. Anyway, I focus mainly on Astrophe and Delvieve, occasionally sketch Wayinne to test it before finalizing.
Finally completed a submission yesterday, allowing me more time and energy to tinker about my hobby... during work hours. Anyway, I focus mainly on Astrophe and Delvieve, occasionally sketch Wayinne to test it before finalizing.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Wheistadeur - Vexillology 01
172nd day of 2016.
Ve-xil-lo-lo-gy, what a mouthful. Vexillology is the study of Flag. This round, I planned to complete the collection of the flags once and for all. Hopefully I would love the outcome...
I think, Wayinne and Astrophe turn out well. Next up would be NICE, it needs something else. Delvieve seemed to have the correct shape, but not the rest. Misphissity... is difficult. :/
Ve-xil-lo-lo-gy, what a mouthful. Vexillology is the study of Flag. This round, I planned to complete the collection of the flags once and for all. Hopefully I would love the outcome...
I think, Wayinne and Astrophe turn out well. Next up would be NICE, it needs something else. Delvieve seemed to have the correct shape, but not the rest. Misphissity... is difficult. :/
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Old - Cheap Sand Art 1
171st day of 2016.
2 days ago, I stopped by old house unwillingly. So to make my time passed by more meaningfully, I use the opportunity to rummage through my old stuff and see what I can salvage. Then, I stumbled upon some cheap sand art I bought... like many YEARS ago.
Figured that it would be a waste to throw it away, I brought back home and tried it. This is like... my 3rd try. I have to say, I failed miserably. On my defense, I feel that this card is really low quality or the glue expired. It just doesn't stick as much as the ones I tried... also many years ago.
Anyway, a rather nostalgic experience.
2 days ago, I stopped by old house unwillingly. So to make my time passed by more meaningfully, I use the opportunity to rummage through my old stuff and see what I can salvage. Then, I stumbled upon some cheap sand art I bought... like many YEARS ago.
Figured that it would be a waste to throw it away, I brought back home and tried it. This is like... my 3rd try. I have to say, I failed miserably. On my defense, I feel that this card is really low quality or the glue expired. It just doesn't stick as much as the ones I tried... also many years ago.
Anyway, a rather nostalgic experience.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Craft - Feature wall!
170th day of 2016.
The month of June is half gone, and actually there are 2 anniversaries for this month. 2nd year anniversary of working and 2nd year of moving in my new house. Which means, I have occupied my new room for full 2 years now.
Leaving behind quite a lot of unwanted stuff in old house and just bringing along the few nice things to the new house. For my new room, I don't want to clutter it up like how I live in old house...
Having said that, I still want some deco work done. And then here comes the blank wall in my room. I have always planning to have one wall to be feature wall for hanging art or anything other than just plain blank wall. 2 years on and never work on it because I have 2 blank walls in my room that I have not decide which to make into i•Dea wall. :/ One wall as per illustrated, and another wall is off where the Printer is, all the way to the door. Dilemma of having L-shape table...
Anyway, in a sudden spark of inspiration and motivation. I climbed the table and peek at the window, then grabbed the hemp string ball I bought few months ago tying a knot around 2 binder clips, proceeded to clamp the binder clip to the curtain rail.
Now, I have the main structure string in place. *smirk* That was the original plan, but just when I clamped the last binder clip, the network of i•Dea started flowing. Like the usual me, always turn a simple project into a much more complex project. A supposedly 2 minutes task sparked by 2 seconds inspiration, now may have turn into a 2 days job or 2 months project.
Lastly, it is no secret that I love to match things up. For this post, it is going to be the number '2'.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Music - March 08
169th day of 2016.
For the beginning Verse, I harmonized with two tone chords and a little bit 3 tone elaborative chords at the end of first Verse, hinting what to come next. The next Verse are all 3 tone chords, more happening than the previous bit.

The more I am into matching the Bass with Melody, the more I finally understand what it is about that I have learn in Music Theory. All the Majors and Minors help in creating Chords and matching tunes.
For the beginning Verse, I harmonized with two tone chords and a little bit 3 tone elaborative chords at the end of first Verse, hinting what to come next. The next Verse are all 3 tone chords, more happening than the previous bit.

The more I am into matching the Bass with Melody, the more I finally understand what it is about that I have learn in Music Theory. All the Majors and Minors help in creating Chords and matching tunes.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Wheistadeur - Emblem 05

I have done some sloppy planning for my Wheistadeur emblem collection. First of all, I am again in the busy week of deadline due next Monday. Second, I actually let the Emblem shapes float around my head tooo long. I need to put it down on paper to look at it, if not it will just keep on floating and not being done.
Currently, the confirmed ones are Luxror and Eterledge, Ingwar is halfway there. I am thinking of changing Ingwar's Order shape. All the others I would need to reconsider when I have more time to compare beside the written detail.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Music - March 07
167th day of 2016.
I am kind of in the musical spree at the moment. I have been trying to figure out the Bass. Feeling the overall tune should start from the classic slow and quiet to more drama at the centre and slow down again at outro.
It would certainly help if I make a list of the basic Bass formation I could use. Currently, I am tempering with the simple one bass per bar and Chords.
I am kind of in the musical spree at the moment. I have been trying to figure out the Bass. Feeling the overall tune should start from the classic slow and quiet to more drama at the centre and slow down again at outro.
It would certainly help if I make a list of the basic Bass formation I could use. Currently, I am tempering with the simple one bass per bar and Chords.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Music - March 06
166th day of 2016.
Focusing on figuring out the Time Signature, 3/4 seemed to work much better than 4/4. In addition to that, I have also twerk a bit of the Verse's ending, so now I can repeat the Verse twice with different ending. I think I am going for the music structure of V1-V2-C-V2-C-B-C.
I am reconsidering to remake the Bridge... cause the more I listen to it, the more I think it match better to the other music I am also doing.
Focusing on figuring out the Time Signature, 3/4 seemed to work much better than 4/4. In addition to that, I have also twerk a bit of the Verse's ending, so now I can repeat the Verse twice with different ending. I think I am going for the music structure of V1-V2-C-V2-C-B-C.
I am reconsidering to remake the Bridge... cause the more I listen to it, the more I think it match better to the other music I am also doing.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Music - March 05
165th day of 2016.
Time signature, oh my.
While I am arranging the structure of the music, I came to realise the notes' beats are a bit off. After playing for a dozen times, and patting the beats on table until the palm turn red, I discovered that... my Verse and Chorus segment seemed to have different Time signature.
*slaps forehead* Honestly, after so many years, this is the first time I realize how Time signature plays a part. When I learn music years ago, I could hardly differentiate 2/4 or 4/4, and yes, I always get a big red cross for adding a fraction line between them, lol.
Refuse to separate my Verse and Chorus in two different beats, I try to figure out is there other way to calibrate their beats together. :/ Above is my attempt of changing the Verse from 3/4 to 4/4. The noticeable part is there less slur. My slurs are all over the place. :/
Time signature, oh my.
While I am arranging the structure of the music, I came to realise the notes' beats are a bit off. After playing for a dozen times, and patting the beats on table until the palm turn red, I discovered that... my Verse and Chorus segment seemed to have different Time signature.
*slaps forehead* Honestly, after so many years, this is the first time I realize how Time signature plays a part. When I learn music years ago, I could hardly differentiate 2/4 or 4/4, and yes, I always get a big red cross for adding a fraction line between them, lol.
Refuse to separate my Verse and Chorus in two different beats, I try to figure out is there other way to calibrate their beats together. :/ Above is my attempt of changing the Verse from 3/4 to 4/4. The noticeable part is there less slur. My slurs are all over the place. :/
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Wheistadeur - Ingwar
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Music - March 04
163rd day of 2016.
It really helps when studying the various components of a music structure. I have the Chorus, then have the Verse. Today, I tried to get some tunes to flesh out more, aiming for Bridge.
As it happens, while I am replaying the existing tune dozen of times, I also refined Chorus and Verse tunes.
It really helps when studying the various components of a music structure. I have the Chorus, then have the Verse. Today, I tried to get some tunes to flesh out more, aiming for Bridge.
As it happens, while I am replaying the existing tune dozen of times, I also refined Chorus and Verse tunes.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Music - Song Structure

I should have complete this research earlier before I even attempt to make music. Well, sure you can make music without conforming into ANY structure, that is how my tunes comes about. Short tunes.
But since my target now is to make a 'full'? length music and I work better with structure and to do list. It is nice checking off the components that I have done. Besides, it is easier to organize and see how each segment of tunes match together.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
World - Emblem

I have done this research waaaay waaaay back, but never really documented it nicely. So, I drew it nicely with the Graphitone 2B and I realized that... Graphitone is not easily erasable. When it is dry, it still leave some marks on the paper, giving it a leeway the paper may have more tooth. But when it is wet... it is unremovable! O__O
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Music - March 03
160th day of 2016.
I scratch off the last attempt and start anew. This time, I finally learn to use the 'chords' theory, and try finding the prominent few key tones in the tune and whip out a less dramatic piece. I also make sure it ends the same note with the first note.
It is a bit short, but at least this time it flows better to the next segment than the previous attempt.
I scratch off the last attempt and start anew. This time, I finally learn to use the 'chords' theory, and try finding the prominent few key tones in the tune and whip out a less dramatic piece. I also make sure it ends the same note with the first note.
It is a bit short, but at least this time it flows better to the next segment than the previous attempt.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Derwent Graphitone
159th day of 2016.
I am very intrigue to see the innovation lately in art world. Especially the water soluble thing. From Colour Pencil, come to Graphite and there is even water soluble oil paint! I picked up Derwent Graphitone which is water soluble and tried out.
I tested it on a 300gsm yellowed no brand watercolor paper. First I tested how it layered, then I use a brush to water-fy the graphite also in different layers. Then I pick up graphite straight from the pencil with a wet brush and give a vertical stroke. Lastly, dipping the pencil tip in water for a few seconds and drew a big black dot.
I am very intrigue to see the innovation lately in art world. Especially the water soluble thing. From Colour Pencil, come to Graphite and there is even water soluble oil paint! I picked up Derwent Graphitone which is water soluble and tried out.
I tested it on a 300gsm yellowed no brand watercolor paper. First I tested how it layered, then I use a brush to water-fy the graphite also in different layers. Then I pick up graphite straight from the pencil with a wet brush and give a vertical stroke. Lastly, dipping the pencil tip in water for a few seconds and drew a big black dot.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Music - March 02
158th day of 2016.
I am trying to figure out how to match the tune with either Intro or Outro or verse. This is the first attempt. After hearing it together, it just doesn't fit. :/ Oh well, expected to be unsuccessful as an amateur.
I am trying to figure out how to match the tune with either Intro or Outro or verse. This is the first attempt. After hearing it together, it just doesn't fit. :/ Oh well, expected to be unsuccessful as an amateur.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
De-stress Shopping
157th day of 2016.
Being through some busy days, I went off to shop for art supplies again. I had been buying more art supplies than I can use them. It is a problem.
My local artshop that I visit carries Cretacolor and Conte a Paris, but there was no pastel pencil. Then I went to Daiso to pick up other more crafty things.
Being through some busy days, I went off to shop for art supplies again. I had been buying more art supplies than I can use them. It is a problem.
My local artshop that I visit carries Cretacolor and Conte a Paris, but there was no pastel pencil. Then I went to Daiso to pick up other more crafty things.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Powers - Formula

Adding more layers and details to any design would eventually make it unique enough to be original. I have expanded on how the Elements mix together to either come to a secondary element or back to one of the core element.
Further research prompt me to consider also the division of the Powers by their 'state'...? Example, physical state, would be the most common solid, liquid and gas. If you master solid, you can manipulate all solid stuff, instead of divide it by wood, metal or earth. Those are all solid.
Friday, June 3, 2016
Powers - Elements
155th day of 2016.
Fantasy = Magic.
Most commonly associated with Fantasy, there is always the element of Magic. Just like Sci Fi, where the item always associated with it is Technology. Same logic applies, the whole system of Magic or Technology have to be work out.
First of all, I seek out the basic elements and see how it goes.Those elements are pretty basic and common in the existing realm of Fantasy genre.
Fantasy = Magic.
Most commonly associated with Fantasy, there is always the element of Magic. Just like Sci Fi, where the item always associated with it is Technology. Same logic applies, the whole system of Magic or Technology have to be work out.
First of all, I seek out the basic elements and see how it goes.Those elements are pretty basic and common in the existing realm of Fantasy genre.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Music - March 01
154th day of 2016.
I had been humming this tune since yesterday while showering. I was humming some other songs which I forgot at this moment, and then I attempted to change some tunes and tempos and mix with other influences to come out with this piece.
I hope it is original enough. This is like my 3rd time scoring in this programme, the previous ones were just around tens seconds short tunes. I would hope that this can come up to at least 2 minutes.
I had been humming this tune since yesterday while showering. I was humming some other songs which I forgot at this moment, and then I attempted to change some tunes and tempos and mix with other influences to come out with this piece.

I hope it is original enough. This is like my 3rd time scoring in this programme, the previous ones were just around tens seconds short tunes. I would hope that this can come up to at least 2 minutes.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Frixion Point 02
153rd day of 2016.
With a sharp tip like technical point and in this case Frixion Point, to effectively shade an area is to master hatching. Well, hatching may not be the only way, but certainly the most common one.
For Frixion Point, the ink really shows the strokes of the pen. If use on thinner paper, the moisture of the ink would soften the surface of the paper and roughened it. When touching on the solid shaded area, it actually feels uneven.
With a sharp tip like technical point and in this case Frixion Point, to effectively shade an area is to master hatching. Well, hatching may not be the only way, but certainly the most common one.
For Frixion Point, the ink really shows the strokes of the pen. If use on thinner paper, the moisture of the ink would soften the surface of the paper and roughened it. When touching on the solid shaded area, it actually feels uneven.
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