31st day of 2017. 4th day of CNY.
I imagined this to be a much lighter and breathable cloak, although it is also a full covering cloak.
Notable split sleeves supposedly could introduce more airflow inside. Maybe I should put some slits on the side of the cloak similar to cheongsam slit...
30th day of 2017. 3rd day of CNY.
Compiling some info on stitching designs. It is hard to convey the stitching process in a sketch.
I did it in the same book of the Chiton Collection, shows how bad the shadow and 'bleeding' from the othr pages.
29th day of 2017. 2nd day of CNY.
One of my character's standard attire is a full cloak, intended to cover herself and create a space between everyone else.
In a 4 season climate, I figured she would need at least 2 different cloak type. One for cold winter and another one for hot summer.
This one looks more to season of in between, Spring and Autumn.
28th day of 2017.
Chinese New Year first day. The most uneventful so far.
やくそく - 約束 - 1. 约会 2. 约定
つたえ - 伝え - 传达
えんりょ - 遠慮 - 1. 远虑 2. 客气 3. 回避
あまり - 余り - 1. 剩余 2. 过分 3. 多
ごちそう - ご馳走 - 多谢款待
るす - 留守 - 1. 看门 2. 不在家
あんない - 案内 - 1. 向导 2. 传达、通知 3. 邀请 4. 了解
こうきょ - 皇居 - 皇宫
ひろば - 広場 - 广场
でんしゃ - 電車 - 电力轨车
ていりゅうじょ - 停留所 - 公共车站
のりば - 乗り場 - 出租汽车站
ふんすい - 噴水 - 喷水池
たいいく - 体育 -体育
27th day of 2017.
It is Chinese New Year eve, compared to last year, it happened quite early this year, very close to Christmas and New Year. I did some last minute shopping today. My two favourite dress that I sketched yesterday... did not have my size. T__T
However, I found a very interesting sleeve design shirt and another bright red dress.
26th day of 2017.
My plan to go to shopping in the afternoon fails, and not just my half day leave was cancelled, I need to overtime to complete the work before I went for a long holiday.
All dresses came from Max Tino, the grey skirt is from Nichii and the shoes is by Valentino Rudy. I like how convenient it is to wear on.
25th day of 2017.
Revisiting Misphissity design, I am still not satisfied with how the tree and flower match themselves in acorn inspired shape emblem.
I tried having the oak tree as the centre of flower, doesn't really work out...
On another hand, the acorn shape emblem suggested the oak tree to hang upside down. lol.
24th day of 2017.
Doing the last binding of the booklet. Following the sketch as mentioned in Portfolio Binding, which works just fine.
I noticed that the split pins are not so stable, either this or I may use it incorrectly.
23rd day of 2017.
What a sudden curve ball thrown at me, university required me to re-work my personal statement. This time with better direction and specifics to understand what they are looking for. Problem is that they want it in 24 hours time.
I guess compiling more detail information to convey my essay kinda counts as art, not so sure whether it is therapeutic enough. -_-;;
There are a few angles I would like to approach and research on.
Space Efficiency - I found interesting buildings and ideas that convert awkward space into useful spaces, to the extreme. The building that particularly picked my interest is the 'narrowest building'. In a much smaller scale, Japanese are quite creative in utilizing space.
Architecture Identity - Living in a huge melt pot of different various culture, race and religion community, it is difficult to merge all of them together to create a national identity that way. A core unifying element had to be found to streamline everything together.
22nd day of 2017.
I am now preparing for portfolio for my university master degree intake. It is a course that requires portfolio presentation, and I am compiling it now. It had been quite a while since I last sketch with watercolor.
21st day of 2017.
ざぶとん - 座布団・座蒲団 - 座垫
おかし - お菓子 - 点心
むずらしい - 珍しい - 稀奇
らくに - 楽に - 随便、自在
あつい - 暑い - 暑热
うわぎ - 上着 - 外衣
かぜとおる - 風通る - 通风
はいけん - 拝見 - 拜见
とつぜん - 突然 - 突然
しんぱい - 心配 - 担心
きょうしゅく - 恐縮 - 1. 恐惶 2. 不好意思
ごぶさた - ご無沙汰 - 久不问候
20th day of 2017.
With this round, I completed one booklet of flash cards.
きもち - 気持 - 1. 心情 2. 心意
いただき - 頂 - 给、接受
おみやげ - お土産 - 手信
けっこう - 結構 - 1. 结构 2. 漂亮、优秀 3. 足够
いとま - 暇 - 1. 闲暇 2. 休假 3.解雇 4. 离婚 5. 告辞
かぶき - 歌舞伎 - 歌舞伎
ほろぼす - 滅ぼす - 灭亡
わらい - 笑い - 笑
しょうかい - 紹介 - 介绍
ほうもん - 訪問 - 访问
せがれ - 倅 - 儿子
かない - 家内 - 1. 妻子 2. 家属
よろしい - 宜しい - 可以
うかがい - 伺い - 1. 问候 2. 打听 3. 请示
こうえい - 光栄 - 荣幸
つこう - 都合 - 1. 方便 2. 机会 3. 原因、状况
たちより - 立ち寄り - 路过
きんじょ - 近所 - 附近
おく - 奥 - 里面、内
19th day of 2017.
This shall conclude the Chiton Collection for now.
18th day of 2017.
きんぞく - 勤続 - 连续
ていねん - 停年 - 退休
げんざい - 現在 - 现在
むしょく - 無職 - 无业
こうむ - 公務 - 公务、政府
みずしょうばい - 水商売 - 饮食服务业者
ひゃくしょう - 百姓 - 农夫
りょうし - 漁師 - 渔夫
ろうどう - 労働 - 粗工
ていねい - 丁寧 - 1. 周到 2. 谨慎 3. 谦恭和蔼
そしな - 粗品 - 微薄礼物、粗礼
17th day of 2017.
I swatched the Primascolor Col Erase on the two newly opened mini sketch book, A7 size. These two notebook are produced by Unicorn brand, the note book type is Lettera hardcover with vertical elastic band and Artisti softcover with horizontal elastic cord. Both came with same amount of paper and 80gsm thin thickness with dotted grid.
Although both were bind in portrait style, but I figured I would use Artisti in landscape format to distinguish the two mini sketch book.
16th day of 2017.
This would be the last two of the Chiton Collection.
15th day of 2017.
おやすい - お安い - 容易
しんせつ - 親切 - 1. 亲切 2. 好意 3. 热情
じゃま - 邪魔 - 打扰
てすう - 手数 - 费事
めいわく - 迷惑 - 为难
やっかい - 厄介 - 1. 麻烦、棘手 2. 照顾
めんどう - 面倒 - 麻烦
ごめんなさい - 御免なさい - 对不起
ゆるす - 許す - 1. 允许 2. 宽恕 3. 免除
もうで - 詣で - 参拜
わかく - 若く - 年轻
じゅくねん - 熟年 - 高中年 50 ~ 60 岁
つとめ - 勤め - 工作
しょくぎょう - 職業 - 职业
14th day of 2017.
たいへん - 大変 - 1. 严重 2. 非常
わるい - 悪い - 1. 坏 2. 不好
こじん - 故人 - 1. 故人 2. 亡者
しゅうしょう - 愁傷 - 悲伤
くやみ - 悔やみ - 1. 吊丧 2. 懊悔
もうしあげ - 申し上げ - 1. 提及、陈诉 2. 恭喜
せいぜん - 生前 - 生前
こうじょう - 厚情 - 厚谊
ひとかたなら - 一方なら - 特别、格外
ふこう - 不幸 - 1. 不幸 2. 丧事
そうぎ - 葬儀 - 葬礼
ひがん - 彼岸 - 彼岸、冥界
いぞく - 遺族 - 遗属
しんせき - 親戚 - 亲戚
13th day of 2017.
I think I only have 2 more designs left for the Chiton Collection. Yay!
12th day of 2017.
Continue on with the chiton collection. I love cloaks and capelet, even the dangling two sides are a distintive element of design for me.
11th day of 2017.
Read up until 15th day of January. So far, from the first day until now. Below are the words in the flash card stack.
10th day of 2017.
Maybe tomorrow I shall take a break from the chiton collections.
And oh wow, today is actually the day I bought the Japanese story book last year! O__O
A starking reminder that I still haven't finish it. :X
9th day of 2017.
By spreading the pages and keeping blank pages in between sketches, I am somehow surprised that I already finished one signature of the sketchbook of 10 signatures. I think I need to fill up notes on the in between blank pages.
8th day of 2017.
Dread, I mistakenly click on a very long serial comic to read at this time. gosh, I need to squeeze time to finish my portfolio and also doing the daily challenge.
7th day of 2017.
After this sketch, I still have around... 7 more to go? To complete the current collection I have.
6th day of 2017.
The first week end of 2017 is coming~
I am getting much better in this, taking less time to finish. Either I am improving or this is a more simpler design?
5th day of 2017.
Another clothing done. Only notice I draw the wrong direction of the skirt when I watermarked the photo. lol. Need to be careful next time.
I really like how the light blue line shadow underneath the black lines. I think I am going to employ the same tactic to the jewellery designs.
4th day of 2017.
This time I tested the format of left right, left is front view of clothing, right is the back. I have to say, it certainly is easier to get scanned. lol.
I really dislike the fact that the Artline pen bleed through the page and even if there is no bleed, the shadow is so heavy. Not just the black pen, even the pale blue pencil line shadowed on the other side of the page, now that is bad in my book.
3rd day of 2017.
I am very much in love with the flowy and pretty dresses of ancient Greece. Peplos or Chiton, which I can never really differentiate well, I go with the name Chiton, sounds nicer to my ears. So far, I have collected a few ancient Greek clothing features. Now I am going to finalize them nicely in the new sketch book, using the template I done.
The Artline liner pen's ink does bleed through the pages annoyingly. Not so sure whether should I do all on right side page or skip each spread page, so I have one spread page with art, blank then art.
I figured I could do some notes taking or less important sketch on the bleeded page. However, spread page does seemed easier to relate too... especially I am doing a front and back clothing illustration.
2nd day of 2017.
I have always kept a book in shelf for many years now, never really get to put the motivation to finish it. It is titled 'Japanese 365'. I don't think I would follow it day by day, but I hope to approach it on weekly or monthly basis.
Also, I had purchased this adorable flip notebook from Daiso and Muji, should put them in good use now.
1st day of 2017.
Oh wow, it had been a whole year since this daily blog started! I am very thrilled to achieve this goal, albeit I guess, I cheated a bit with the shopping haul post. Anyway, I actually misremembered that the letter from the past reaching by end of the year instead of the 1st day of the new year. lol. I should have read it yesterday.
Generally, the biggest challenge is the Project 366 blog, which is quite a success. The others are just so so, but just one thing I completely forgotten that I did set a deadline for myself to complete. A Art debt that I owe a person now flashing new record of lateness.
This is bad, this is terrible. I must complete it as soon as possible now.
Of course, and again, I used back the same service to the future twelve months me.