There are 2 residents in the Witch Tower, the Master and Disciple. The Master is a very generous person and being living a long enough time, had accumulated a lot of stuffs. In the previous sketch that shows a cut section of the whole tower, it started to really sink into the fact that the Tower is actually 13 floors height! O__O
That is rather... tiring to climb up and down each day. Right now, I am too satisfied with how the Tower grows to consider the resident's stamina. Who knows, the more ancient people most probably have better physique than modern people. XD
The Bedrooms are way up high, and being the important place for the 2 residents to spend most of their time in, I used them as a base to determine the final diameter of the tower. First of, since the Disciple would be the main character, the first planning is for her.
Considering her interests and culture, obedient and proper person, plus a bit of home sick, the room would be rustic country style. Large fire place with a small living room corner and a desk for meeting with people. Even though it may seemed overboard, but I also allow space for a huge bathroom, walk in wardrobe and even toilet.
Upstair is her private quarters where she sleep and have some quiet time. The fireplace chimney extend all the way up. The Upper deck is merely covering half the floor, so it is open to the lower level and enable a double volume open space.