Sunday, September 25, 2016

Wheistadeur - Imperial Infinem 25

269th day of 2016.

Officially the last week is Infinem City week. It is still growing. But I think next week, I really should start on the detail of the palace

Top right, added in some cliffs and a few noble residences.

Centre and Bottom Right, filled in with some workshops and a observatory tower bside the University. Towards the Central, I am happy to finished filling up the various shops, experimenting with different complexes and shop layouts. 

Top, Middle Centre, although not indicated, those are more guilds and town hall. The small zone where public connects to Government.

I have layout the shops surrounding the Stadium as well. It is very pack over the left side. Many of them are very rigid, but I think I would make some irregular layouts at the leftover central block. I imagine it to be some sort of black market.