Saturday, September 24, 2016

Wheistadeur - Imperial Infinem 24

268th day of 2016.

It came to a point that... I need to compare the picture side by side to spot my progress on the City

Top Left, beside the Governmental zone, I have added a few noble residents.
Lower Left, glad to see that my Educational zone is filled. Upper parts are shop lots. A huge mansion beside Gallery, then a small park at the lower corner. On the other street is shop lots and residential block. Directly behind Gallery is Appraiser Ateliers, another short stretch of luxurious shoplots then finally directly behind the museum is a complex of Auction house.

As for the central street, I have only added a few more lower rank offices below the Circle and a post office beside the Merchant Guild.

Starting from the Stadium, I added a line of shoplots then a Casino. It is nice to see how another plot of zone filled up. The idea of that zone is to have more live stock and rough trades. So I lay a Derby, Horse market and open market, surrounded by many shop lots, accented by a few residences and a rich mansion.

I expanded the Knight guild with Archery, Lance Range and a very secluded horse track and monastery. As it goes further away from central, the buildings would be more residential and lower class.