274th day of 2016.
I have completed the streetscape joining the City gate to the centre. It is a pretty symmetry layout along this central path. It is the main path, so it is planned and design to fit as many frontiers as possible.
Following that simple logic, the closer to the centre, the more expensive the land area become. The units would tend to be small on area, but they could be multiple storeys.
273rd day of 2016.
Putting the palace aside, continue on to the Infinem City. Filling up the last gap of the central zone, it makes everything look so much developed.
Now I have to extent below following the centre road to the Market Square and then to the City gate. I figure to complete the areas along this man axis of City Gate towards the palace.
272nd day of 2016.
The Private floor of the palace. I am thinking of splitting the portions here so to create some sort of towers. The height of the towers should be the squared ends lowest, follow by the cente front and the centre back, where it would connect directly above the monarch's chambers.
I am still thinking whether or not to allow the passage for the front portion to be public or secret... It will largely depend on the functions of the rooms.
271st day of 2016.
Moving up one floor, I am imagining the Auditorium and Grand Hall to have double volume. I also need to find a spot for the double volume grand library too.
I attempt a secret passage over the Grand Hall double volume... which I think is quite feasible. I just need to get the height relationship right.
270th day of 2016.
It looks like a repeat, but there is quite a few changes over the palace plans, especially the back part. I can't help to adjust the scale and proportion after reading many other famous palaces has way more rooms than I originally has.
Added one line of rooms in front of Grand Hall entrance and even more rooms at the back. surrounding an additional courtyard.
I have roughly calculated, not including the halls and Grand Hall and auditorium... I have roughly 90 rooms in this floor. I could easily split out more space though as I get into more detail.
Lastly... I notice that I forget to insert the rooms' functions. The problem with too many rooms.
269th day of 2016.
Officially the last week is Infinem City week. It is still growing. But I think next week, I really should start on the detail of the palace
268th day of 2016.
It came to a point that... I need to compare the picture side by side to spot my progress on the City.
267th day of 2016.
Another nice day off~ I changed a bit of things and added more in. Now I have 3 main zones established.
266th day of 2016.
Birthday today, took a 2 day leave to have a 4 day long weekend just to use my leave and take a break from work. Went to as usual, art shop again~ Didn't buy much, but would compile a list at the end of this month.
Had been adding more roads to the Infinem map and extend downward to the city gate. I think I may need to relocate my theatre, it is sitting in the Noble residence zone. Miscalculated the scale and proportion.
265th day of 2016.
Okay, I didn't find the loose pieces of paper, because I remembered I have something better. I still have a few pieces of A1 size cartridge paper, a bit more heavier weight than 70gsm... I think around... 100 to 150 gsm....
I eyeball trace it... so... a lot of the proportion totally wreck. Anyway, I added in governmental offices, bank, merchant guild and added another Hot Spring Bath beside hospital or behind the Cathedral.
I need to expand the roads a bit more to locate the school and library...
264th day of 2016.
This round I improved on the detail and road connection to Cathedral, Stadium, Circus and Theatre. At the same time, I also added Bath house, Klover Knight Academy, a hospital behind the Cathedral and one of my character's noble residence with its neighbour.
It came to a point that I think I would love to move this piece into loose sheet. :/ It will be a tracing day~
263rd day of 2016.
I decided to just jumped in and started sketching the Infinem City as I go, kind of a impromptu make up of things. I already have a quite clear direction on the central road towards the palace, now to fit other buildings within the space available. Using just pencil, even though it is impromptu to some extent, I will change it if it needs be.
After I put in the palace, only then I realize the paper was way too small to fill up the city. I should start with a A1 paper... but those are quite tedious to bring around. If not, I should small loose pages, not binded book. :/
262nd day of 2016.
I bought a set of Liquitex 22ml 12 Basics colors set last week and Basics Gesso. I have always wonder what Gesso is, I have first apply Gesso without sanding and another layer of Gesso with sanding.
Then I tested the rainbow range of colors and white to see opacity. First time using this material, getting a bit used to.
261st day of 2016.
The main street straight from the City's main gates, towards the Palace on a higher hill ground. From the Gate, from the poorer zone to richer zone as it encroached towards the Palace.
Market Square sits in between the Poor and Rich zone. There would be another central open space sit between Rich and Noble zone.
260th day of 2016.
I am very motivated to start with the Tarrarium project first since I do have the materials all ready, still from the left over stash during University time.
The hemp string is really annoyingly curly. I need to straighten it somehow.
259th day of 2016.
In the capital city of Luxror, Infinem, the centre of excitement is the trade zone, where all gold transaction happens. Being in the Capital city right under the eyes of the monarch, it must be best in all aspect.
I vaguely have the idea of a big Square where temporary or traveling markets situated, surrounded by the permanent typical shop houses. Shop houses offers more on product business and I figure the service or institutional business would be the next street away from the centre Square.
258th day of 2016.
Since I have such small space to put ornaments in, I have short listed the ones I prefer. I really like a lattice, but when I stumbled upon one of the picture with a hanging bird house, I immediately changed heart. It comes to a point that I have 4 potential dangling ornaments.
It really depends on how small eventually everything is and how I am able to gather correct material to make them. I figured the swing is no problem, need more pebbles and the hanging ornaments would be quite a challenge.
257th day of 2016.
Looking through many miniature gardens, I have compiled and sketched down a few of the ornaments I would like to add to my terrarium.
I don't think I can fit all in, there are benches, swings, arches, fences, lattice and bridges. I am definitely more interested in swing, then maybe the lattice?
256th day of 2016.
It is nearing Mid Autumn Festival, another Chinese staple celebration. Main characteristics is the moon, rabbit, lanterns and MOONCAKE! I am not such a fan for mooncake though. But since the new millenium, the aspect of 'Packaging' had progressed so drastically, making me following all major high end mooncake makers' packaging.
This year, the most standout one is from Westin Hotel. It comes with a DIY terrarium planting case and bag! Making me so interested in it and googling for desktop zen garden ideas.
255th day of 2016.
I went to the artshop again, finally made the decision to buy some Liquitex Basics Acrylic tubes. Very happy to find Arches Levis Fidelis 2 sided paper also. Next trip, I am going to get the conte pastel pencil.
However, the thing I squeeze out after family dinner is the lower part of the mannequin. This is more for skirt, pants and shoes designs... obviously. I seemed to have attachment to slim figures. :/
254th day of 2016.
Just watching a few of the soft pastel speed paint video and that motivates me to try the soft pastels again. This time I am very interested to find out the effects of blending with different items.
I gather the easy to find tissue, blending stump for charcoal/graphite, silicone tip, cheap eye makeup applicator and cotton pad. Tissue and cotton pad yield same results, and all of them could not fill up the gaps like fingers do. :/
253rd day of 2016.
After the rather meticulous planning of the outdoor amphitheatre, the secret passage leads to this indoor theatre. This should be the most use entertainment area compare to the outdoor one.
Ample back stage for storage and preparations, exploring different stage shapes and seatings.
252nd day of 2016.
Focusing in on the side of the palace. I planned it to have a open court yard at the centre. I did a few versions of court yard layouts. I figured I would use two different layouts at each side to break a bit of the symmetry rigidness.
Basic components for landscape, Stone, Green and Water. I figure on the more public side, there would be more Green and Water element. On the other hand, more Stone element would suit the military side.
251st day of 2016.
Establishing 7 1/2 heads, I figure out how many heads the neck, torso and knee up shot would take and zoom it out. I tried 2 different circles and preferring the bigger one to fill up the page better.
Considering to buy a bigger circle template for bigger circle. :/
250th day of 2016.
As usual, I am often very unhappy with things that I have done and the OCD in me will kick me back in the future. This is the future for the mannequin template. lol. I was not happy with how not 'organized'ly proportionate things is.
After I stapled the grid exercise recycled paper, I immediately used it as a strict size guide. With the assistance of the newly bought shape template, it is much easier to proportion things.
On the left side is a academic 7 1/2 heads anatomy and the right side is 8 heads anatomy. Seems like the 7 1/2 heads fit much better in my sketchbook page size.
249th day of 2016.
Trying to group and organize all the officers nicely. It is taking a lot longer than I expected. :/ and it is still not finalized.
At the same time, I am also looking through the list of historical occupations. Those are also very interesting. I think I am going to compile that list of historical occupations.
248th day of 2016.
Whilst designing the palace for Luxror of Wheistadeur, at the back of my head I was also thinking about the occupants of the palace. To upkeep and protect such high and prestigious place, required an immense amount of manpower.
The occupants is more of a research topic for my other story. This round, I am doing the higher rank officers that often visit the palace or even inhabit the palace.
247th day of 2016.
After doing the first round, second round is much easier to play with. The basic layout is the same, but the big difference is I tried to separate the 3 ends of the building. The most notable feature is the big void above the Great Hall which would effectively separate the Royal's family space and official & guest zone.
I still have a basement and cellar for all the kitchens and main services, right below Great Hall. Also, after I get a hold on the scale, I would like to have complete separation on 2nd floor from the back and front ends.
246th day of 2016.
Up to the most private floors. Most of them would be chambers or boudoirs, the more private study and other hobby rooms that I have yet to find the names for.
Tomorrow, I need to work out another strategy of zoning and see which one looks better.
245th day of 2016.
Continue on to the 1st floor, where it is zone as Semi Public / Semi Private. More private functions located there. Entertainment Rooms for Men, for Lady, for Family.
Then I am thinking of whether to also zone them vertically... well, have to test out in section / elevation.