148th day of 2020. Mixing Live and Work together using Play zone as a share buffer. The other layer of concern is privacy levels. Each Live and Work have their different public and private zones.
147th day of 2020. In real life I would think not many stars would have a grand stage for security and private reason. Anyway, as usual, I like to research the work behind the scenes and composed/arranged all working spaces to eventually produce a stage.
145th day of 2020. Thanks to quarantine period, having a bit more time to invest back in Sims 3 temporarily. Playing a musician character this round, designing a mansion for him.
With individual pedestal type display, expect this to be the most exquisite one of a kind luxury shop. I am thinking of gem stones which are expensive and expressive with different patterns.
131st day of 2020. I am thinking about jewellery when doing this shop. Now looking at it, the security measures certainly is not prominent other than the solid walls, maybe this is for the least precious jewellery.