Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Monday, October 30, 2017

Lilswick Chapel 01

303rd day of 2017.

Now rereading my NaNo piece up to the explosion of the chapel. Figured it the time to see the spaces of the chapel.


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Japanese Lessons - 044

302nd day of 2017.

げんこう - 原稿 - 原稿
ゆるい - 緩い - 1. 松 2. 缓慢 3.稀疏
はやい - 早い - 早
ぬるい - 温い - 1.温和 2. 缓慢
あつい - 暑い - 热
あつい - 厚い - 厚
うすい - 薄い - 薄
はやい - 速い - 快
おそい - 遅い - 1.迟、晚 2. 慢
こい - 濃い - 1. 浓稠 2. 密切
そうじ - 掃除 - 打扫
みずわり - 水割 - 加水、冰
かおいろ - 顔色 - 脸色
ぼうねんかい - 忘年会 - 年终会
そうべつかい - 送別会 - 送别会
せきべつかい - 惜別会 - 惜别会
かんそうかい - 歓送会 - 欢送会
そうこうかい - 壮行会 -  壮行会

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Reminisce - NaNo Illustration 033

301st day of 2017.

I started to confuse myself with the amount of caves...

Friday, October 27, 2017

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Reminisce - NaNo Illustrated 032

299th day of 2017.

More details of Brittum 6 Cave, owned by Brittum Clan, managed by Chaslaw Brittum. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Water and Shrine

298th day of 2017.

Finding patterns of urban-scape...

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Monday, October 23, 2017

Clothes - Clergy Costume 4

296th day of 2017.

All of a sudden, out of the blue, light bulb moment!
Another sort of sash style.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Reminisce - NaNo Illustrated 031

295th day of 2017.

 Favourite part of designing. Buildings.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Japanese Lessons - 043

294th day of 2017.

かんげいえん - 歓迎宴 - 欢饮宴会
しょうえん - 招宴 - 招待宴会
しょうたいじょう - 招待状 - 请帖
あいさつ - 挨拶 - 招呼、讲词
だいひょう - 代表 - 代表
らいほう - 来訪 - 访问
かんとん - 広東 - 广东
さかずき - 杯 - 酒杯
せんえつ - 僭越 - 冒昧
かんぱい - 乾杯 - 干杯
おんし - 恩師 - 恩师
ぶれいこう - 無礼講 - 不拘束
はくれいこう - 破礼講 - 不拘束
いいこう - 随意講 - 不拘束
いんぎんこう - 慇懃講 - 正式

Friday, October 20, 2017

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Japanese Lessons - 042

292nd day of 2017.

げんそく - 原則 - 原则、大致
きょうきゅう - 供給 - 货源
いかん - 遺憾 - 遗憾
げんぶつ - 現物 - 现货
ようきゅう - 要求 - 要求
しゅうか - 集荷 - 各地物产
いりよう - 入用 - 所需
わりにあう - 割に合う -合算 
とりひき - 取引 - 交易
うんちん - 運賃 - 运费
そうほう - 双方 - 双方
だとう - 妥当 - 合适
あゆみより - 歩み寄り - 互相妥协
かけひき - け引き - 讨价还价
さきもの - 先物 - 期货

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Baking Paper

291st day of 2017.

I tried to do the acrylic skin on baking paper, which works much better. The acrylic peeled off quite well, but the paper wrinkled a bit while reacting towards the acrylic wetness.
Tried most of the medium I expect to use, still looking for a harder surface. However, the baking paper would work as well.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Second Thought...

290th day of 2017.

Due to quite a long time not looking at the city plan, the more doubt I have against the original design of Imperial Infinem city. I suddenly remembered a tiny but important detail about the mining origin for the city.
Option 1 - the original version. One directional expansion, depending on natural features as protection for the Royal area. Memorable mines quite a bit of distance away.

Option 2 - The renewed version. Radial expansion, resulting good buffer around the Royal area. Old mines right underneath the palace.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Wheistadeur - Imperial Infinem 60

289th day of 2017.

I actually forgot half of the buildings I have on the map... need to refresh memory.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Wheistadeur - Imperial Infinem 59

288th day of 2017.

November is approaching, and I am not even sure whether I have enough time to attempt NaNo this year.

Back to the city planning of Luxror.

Added some more mansions, complexes surrounded with thin forests, and a deep hole, one of the remnants of mining. Need to add more of those features that demonstrate the mining culture of Luxror.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Is it too late?

287th day of 2017.

... For Inktober? 
I think so.
I quite like how a pattern fill up a square canvas, I am planning to make another meander accordian booklet, dedicated to patterns.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Vittsjo hack 1

286th day of 2017.

Wanna add castor wheels on the bottom of the laptop stand, so I can push it around.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Model & Board

285th day of 2017.

Submission layout of board and model.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

UDS Site Model 4

284th day of 2017.

 If only the blue is much more pastel.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Nature Subject 3

283rd day of 2017.

Apparently, at the end, I colored all sketches.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Nature Subject 1

281st day of 2017.

For a certain subject, I am looking into beaver dam to create some invention that could be beneficial to human society. *roll eyes*

Saturday, October 7, 2017

UDS Site Model 3

280th day of 2017.

Highway and bridges, took way longer than I expected.

Friday, October 6, 2017

UDS Site Model 2

279th day of 2017.

 Finished the whole zone existing building.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

UDS Site Model 1

278th day of 2017.

Doing site model for course work.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Japanese Lessons - 041

277th day of 2017.

みつもり - 見積り - 估价
せいやく - 成約 - 成交
しょるい - 書類 - 文件
あなた - 貴方 - 你
してい - 指定 - 指定
こうざ - 口座 - 户口
しだい - 次第 - 只有、唯有、只要
けっしん - 決心 -    j决心

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

DIY acrylic spray

276th day of 2017.

Finally get down to play spray paint and test out the different density of airbrush medium.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Acrylic Medium Blended Fibre

275th day of 2017.

Blended fiber feels like softer ceramic stucco, almost rough paper like. Left is paint on texture, right side is paint mix with fibre. 

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Clothes - Clergy Costume 3

274th day of 2017.

More details of my favourite clergy sash.